css table transparent background color

html - CSS transparency issues in nested elements - Stack Overflow.
.box { background-color:#fff; border:3px solid #eee; }. My question is how can I set an opacity to the white background only so that it will kinda.
css table transparent background color
CSS Style Property: background-color - Web Design - About.com.background-color - CSS | MDN.
css table transparent background color
Transparent background for TABLE tag - SitePoint.
<table width="100 uot; align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style="border: 1px. <font color =#000000><b>testing with black color #000000</b></font>. However, you're making a very half-assed attempt at CSS here.
Make a table transparent, without making the words transparent, in.
I want to create a webpage with transparent background, a table and. type="text /css"> div.transbg {background-color:#4a6c9b; opacity:0.6;}.
A description of the CSS property background-color.. <color> The color of the background. transparent. Takes the same color as the element below it. inherit.
</table> <style type="text/css"> table { -moz-opacity:50 filter:Alpha(Opacity=50 );background-color:darkblue;} </style> ------------------ I need a.
UPDATE: I've added "background-clip: padding-box;" to this answer .. that supports css opacity on background color would also support rgba(.
opacity - Making a transparent box with CSS - Stack Overflow.
CSS background transparency without affecting child elements.